David B. Larson Past Lectures and Pictures

David Larson
David Larson

David Larson & Family

Larson Family
David, Susan, Kristen and Chad









20th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture (2022)

Tyler J. VanderWeele (center), with Harold G. Koenig (L) and Jeff Levin (R)

15th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture

John Raymond Peteet, M.D.

John Peteet









14th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture

Gary Gunderson, D.Min., D.Div.
“Faith and the Health of Complex Human Populations”

Gary Gunderson









13th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture

David R. Williams, Ph.D.
“Religious Attendance and Health: Findings, Questions and Directions”
David R. Williams





12th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture

Stanley Hauerwas, Ph.D., D.D.
“Suffering Presence: Twenty-five Years Later”

Stanley Hauerwas
From left to right: Susan Larson, Stanley Haurewas, Jeff Levin






11th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture

George Fitchett, Ph.D.
“Developing an Evidence-based Approach to Spiritual Screening and Spiritual Assessment”

George Fitchett



10th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture

Ken Pargament, Ph.D.
“From Research to Practice: Envisioning an Applied Psychology of Religion, Spirituality, and Health”

9th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture

Linda K. George, Ph.D.
“The Science of Religion and Health: Time to be Born Again?”

8th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture

Tracy Balboni, M.D., M.P.H.
“Reintegrating Care for the Dying, Body and Soul”

7th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture

Farr Curlin, M.D.
“What Moves the Scalpel? Science, Religion & the Practice of Medicine”

6th David B. Larson Memorial Lecture

Daniel P. Sulmasy, O.F.M., M.D., Ph.D.
“Is Healthcare a Spiritual Practice”

5th David B. Larson Lecture

Dan G. Blazer, M.D., Ph.D.

4th David B. Larson Lecture

Paul Meier, M.D.

3rd David B. Larson Lecture

Dale Matthews, M.D.

Dale Matthews
From left to right: Harold Koenig, Susan Larson, and Dale Matthews


2nd David B. Larson Lecture

Stephen Post, Ph.D.

Stephen Post
From left to right: Jeff Levin, Susan Larson, and Stephen Post


1st David B. Larson Lecture

Jeff Levin, Ph.D.

Jeff Levin






Faith, Medicine, and Science: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. David B. Larson

Faith, Medicine, and Science
A book about David Larson and his life (Haworth Press, 2005; by Levin & Koenig)