CME Videos

This 5-part educational series is designed to train health professionals to integrate spirituality into patient care as part of the practice of “whole person” medicine. Health professionals, regardless of specialty, are encouraged to watch all five videos (even though the first three videos are designed for physicians).

The first video is an overview and summary of the series [transcript].

The second video focuses on past research linking religion/spirituality to mental, social, behavioral, and physical health, which forms the rationale for this approach [transcript].

The third video examines in detail “how to” integrate spirituality into patient care in a way that minimizes physician time and utilizes a team approach [transcript].

The fourth video is designed for nurses and practice managers and focuses on the spiritual care coordinator, who orchestrates the addressing of patients’ spiritual needs [transcript].

The fifth video is designed for the entire spiritual care team and describes how team members work together to accomplish the common goal of practicing whole person care, with a focus on the role of the chaplain and the social worker [transcript].

For those interested in obtaining CME, click here on how to do so.

Watch the videos ->

Part 1. Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care: Introduction and Overview

Part 2. Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care: Research Justifying the Integration

Part 3. Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care: Clinical Applications

Part 4. Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care: The Spiritual Care Coordinator

Part 5. Integrating Spirituality into Patient Care:  The Spiritual Care Team and Chaplain


Koenig, H. G., Perno, K., Erkanli, A., & Hamilton, T. (2017). Effects of a 12-Month Educational Intervention on Clinicians’ Attitudes/Practices Regarding the Screening Spiritual History. Southern Medical Journal, 110(6), 412-418.

Koenig HG, Perno K, Hamilton T (2017). Effects of a 12-month educational intervention on outpatient clinicians’ attitudes/behaviors toward spiritual practices with patientsAdvances in Medical Education and Practice 8:129-139

Koenig HG, Perno K, Hamilton T (2017). Integrating spirituality into outpatient practice in the Adventist Health SystemSouthern Medical Journal 110(1):1-7.

Koenig HG, Perno K, Hamilton T (2017). The spiritual history in outpatient practice: Attitudes and practices of health professionals in the Adventist Health SystemBMC Medical Education 17:102 (DOI: 10.1186/s12909-017-0938-8)