
  Spiritual Readiness: Essentials for Military Leaders and Chaplain (August 29, 2022, 286 pp)

Moral Injury: A Handbook for Military Chaplains  Moral Injury: A Handbook for Military Chaplains 
(2023, January 1, 344 pp)

Hinduism and Mental Health Hinduism and Mental Health
Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
(Createspace Publishing Platform, 2017)
Protestant Christianity and Mental Health Protestant Christianity and Mental Health
Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
(Createspace Publishing Platform, 2017)
Judaism and Mental Health Judaism and Mental Health
Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
(Createspace Publishing Platform, 2017)
Islam and Mental Health Islam and Mental Health
Harold G. Koenig, M.D., and Saad Alshohaib, M.D.
(Createspace Publishing Platform, 2017)
Catholic Christianity and Mental Health Catholic Christianity and Mental Health
Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
(Createspace Publishing Platform, 2017)
Buddhism and Mental Health
Harold G. Koenig, M.D.
(Createspace Publishing Platform, 2017)
Islamic Book Health and Well-Being in Islamic Societies
Harold G. Koenig, M.D., and Saad Alshohaib, M.D.
(Springer International, 2014)
SpPCIII 1 Spirituality in Patient Care: Why, How, When, and What, 3rd ed.
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. (Templeton Foundation Press, 2013)
Purchase from Templeton Foundation Press
handbook-of-religion-and-health Handbook of Religion and Health, Second Edition
Harold G. Koenig, M.D., Dana E. King, M.D., M.S., Verna Benner Carson, R.N., Ph.D.
(Oxford University Press, 2012)
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Spirituality Research Spirituality and Health Research: Methods, Measurement, Statistics, & Resources
Harold G. Koenig (Templeton Press, 2011)Purchase from
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medicinereligion Medicine, Religion & Health: Where Science and Spirituality Meet
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. (Templeton Foundation Press, 2008)
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kindnessandjoy Kindness and Joy: Expressing the Gentle Love
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. (Templeton Foundation Press, 2006)
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wakedisaster In the Wake of Disaster: Religious Responses to Terrorism & Catastrophe
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. (Templeton Foundation Press, 2006)
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faith mental health Faith and Mental Health: Religious Resources for Healing
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. (Templeton Foundation Press, 2005)Purchase from Templeton Foundation Press
Healing Connection The Healing Connection
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. / Hardcover / Word / January 2001 (Templeton Foundation Press, new edition 2004)Purchase from Templeton Foundation Press
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faithinthefuture Faith in the Future: Religion, Aging, and Healthcare in the 21st Century
Harold G. Koenig & Douglas Lawson (Templeton Foundation Press, 2004)Purchase from Templeton Foundation Press
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healingprayer The Healing Power of Prayer
Chester L. Tolson & Harold G. Koenig (Baker Books, August 2003)Purchase from
chronic pain Chronic Pain: Biomedical and Spiritual Approaches
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. (Haworth Press, 2003)Purchase from Barnes and
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purpose Purpose and Power in Retirement: New Opportunities for Meaning and Significance
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. (Templeton Foundation Press, 2002)Purchase from Templeton Foundation Press
spiritual caregiving Spiritual Caregiving: Healthcare as a Ministry
Verna B. Carson & Harold G. Koenig (Templeton Foundation Press, 2004)Purchase from Templeton Foundation Press
parish Parish Nursing: Stories of Service and Care
Verna B. Carson & Harold G. Koenig (Templeton Foundation Press, 2002)Purchase from Templeton Foundation Press
link The Link between Religion and Health: Psychoneuroimmunology and the Faith Factor
Harold G. Koenig (Editor) & Harvey Jay Cohen (Editor) / Hardcover / (Oxford University Press Incorporated, January 2002)Purchase from Barnes and
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counseling families Counseling Families Across the Stages of Life : A Handbook for Pastors and other Helping Professionals
Andrew J. Weaver & Linda A. Revilla & Harold G. Koenig / Hardcover (Abingdon Press, January 2002)Purchase from Barnes and
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handbook Handbook of Religion and Health
Harold G. Koenig & Michael E. McCullough & David B. Larson / Hardcover (Oxford University Press Incorporated, January 2001)Purchase from Barnes and
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healingpowerb The Healing Power of Faith: How Belief and Prayer Can Help You Triumph over Disease
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. / Paperback (Simon & Schuster Trade, April 2001)Purchase from Barnes and
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mentalhealth Handbook of Religion and Mental Health
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. (Editor) / Hardcover (Academic Press Incorporated, September 1998)Purchase from Barnes and
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pastoralcare Pastoral Care of Older Adults
Harold G. Koenig & Andrew J. Weaver / Hardcover (Fortress Press, November 1998)Purchase from Barnes and
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reflections Reflections on Aging and Spiritual Growth
Andrew J. Weaver & Phyllis C. Roe & Harold G. Koenig / Hardcover (Abingdon Press, September 1998)Purchase from Barnes and
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gospel A Gospel for the Mature Years: Finding Fulfillment by Knowing and Using Gifts
Harold G. Koenig & Tracy Lama & Betty Lamar / Hardcover (Haworth Press Incorporated, March 1997)Purchase from Barnes and
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goodreligion Is Religion Good for Your Health?: The Effects of Religion on Physical and Mental Health
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. / Hardcover (Haworth Press Incorporated, March 1997)Purchase from Barnes and
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counseling Counseling Troubled Older Adults: A Handbook for Pastors and Religious Caregivers
Harold G. Koenig & Andrew J. Weaver / Hardcover (Abingdon Press, March 1997)Purchase from Barnes and
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aging Aging and God: Spiritual Pathways to Mental Health in Midlife and Later Years
Harold G. Koenig, M.D. / Hardcover (Haworth Press Incorporated, January 1994)Purchase from Barnes and
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rhaging Religion, Health, and Aging: A Review and Theoretical Integration (Contributions to the Study of Aging)
Harold G. Koenig & Mona Smiley & Jo Ann Ploch Gonzales / Hardcover (Greenwood Press, 1988)Purchase from
healing bodies Healing Bodies, Minds and Souls: The Church’s Role in Health
Dan Hale and Harold G. Koenig (Fortress Press, 2003)Purchase from
New Light New Light on Depression: Help and Hope for the Depressed and Those Who Love Them
David Biebel and Harold G. Koenig (Zondervan, 2004)Purchase from
faith medicine science Faith, Medicine, and Science: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. David B. Larson.
Jeff Levin and Harold G. Koenig (Haworth Press, 2004)Purchase from
Purchase from Templeton Foundation Press