Critics Review – Aging and God

Prepublication Review
Chaplain Winnie Washburn, gerontologist

[The book] explores the problems caused when older adults lose most of the ‘natural joys of life,’ and what resources are available to help make successful aging a reality. The author deals with the long-time conflict between psychiatry and religion, noting that both disciplines offer parallel positive approaches useful in meeting the spiritual needs in aging; that religion can play a major role in enlivening later years… Aging and God will be of great help to policy-makers as they face the enormous task of providing for the mental and physical needs of older adults in this country over the next 30 years. This book will be a special interest to health professionals and to clergy and chaplains working with the elderly who need updated information on mental health research and its applications. Of interest are the summary of contributions and limitations of religion as mental health therapy. This text will be of use to many aging persons themselves, as well as their families, as they seek to better adapt to and cope with the realities of the aging process.